Saturday, June 6, 2009

From the garden

Aaaah...the weekend.....lovely. Nothing planned, just the way I like it. I hope you have a good one!

The last tomatoes of the season

Someone or something has been enjoying a good munch on the ripe tomatoes. I hope they/it enjoyed it. I'm not bothered because it's the end of the season and we enjoyed a fantastic crop throughout the Summer.

And introducing junior doggie aka big ears, he must have been crossed with a rabbit or a donkey....he is a mischievous handful of joy (mostly)...welcome to a world of being poked by a cold wet nose when he thinks it's time for you to get out of bed in the mornings.


  1. Your pup reminds me of my Jack- especially when he was very young and his ears were so huge. He's grown into them a little- or I'm used to them. I've enjoyed your blog- thanks for visiting mine. Good luck on your house move- I have noisy neighbors too.

  2. he's mighty cute.
    i love all of the flowers...i've always wanted to grow a big bunch of lavendar, I love that smell.
